Letter to Yvette from Howard, March 27, 1945

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Letter to Yvette from Howard, March 27, 1945


Howard talks about going for a walk by a French orphanage while on a pass. He also complains about being homesick and wishing he could go back to Yvette. He also mentions that he is sending back a souvenir.


Sarty, Howard L., 1919-1977


Harvey, Gretchen (donor)


Courtesy of the Concordia College Archives




Tommerdahl, Maria (digitization, transcription, metadata)









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March 27, 1945
10:00 P.m. [sic]
Dearest Yve,
I don’t mind being called a cabbage in french but in english is [sic] sounds kind of rough. I got that very mushy letter today and it [is] very natural to feel that way because I feel like that quite often now since I’ve left you and am here over seas [sic], in fact it was only last night I woke up myself but it didn’t do any good. Well first for the news. To:day [sic] I went on pass. Around 9:00 AM this morning I went to town and walked the streets then came back for chow. This after noon [sic] I took a walk down through the woods and when

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we (also [at] 9) walked by orphanage a bunch of kids came out and mobed [sic] us. They’d steal the shirt off of your back if they had the chance, but they didn’t get much. Now my pass is all over and don’t know when I get another. Gee darling I wish I was spending that pass with you in providence [sic]. We could go dancing at the Indian room and get feeling good like the last time do you remember that. [sic] Then that night we spent at Rite [illegible]. That was it. Now I’m getting home sick [sic] again but it [is] not too bad when I get letters from you every time mail comes. I can see you now just coming in to eat after giving your lesson [sic] all day. Darling take it easy on them lessons I want to see you all in

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one piece when I get back. You know darling it’s hard for me to write letters over here because I don’t know what to write about. It’s not because I don’t love you because I do very much. It [is] just because. I’ll tell you I [sic] just as soon be crawling in a nice soft bed with sheets on it in stead [sic] of crawling in this old sack of mine but but I can dream just as well anyway. Well darling I’m going to bed now so until to morrow [sic] - I love you very much. As Ever,


[The following is written as a postscript]

P.S. I’m sending a little thing from paris [sic]. It might of [sic] been made in U.S.A but it was bought in Paris. I love you, sweet.

[The envelope is included with this letter.]


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Sarty, Howard L., 1919-1977, “Letter to Yvette from Howard, March 27, 1945,” Concordia Memory Project, accessed May 19, 2024, https://concordiamemoryproject.concordiacollegearchives.org/items/show/655.