Letter to Yvette from Howard, June 4, 1942

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Letter to Yvette from Howard, June 4, 1942


Military life


Howard and his company have a dress parade to be in for all of the big shots at camp. Whoever wins will get a 3 day pass to go home. Howard then proceeds to tell Yvette his daily routine at camp.


Sarty, Howard L., 1919-1977


Harvey, Gretchen (donor)


Courtesy of the Concordia College Archives




Wayne, Brandon (digitization, transcription, metadata)










Fort Knox, Kentucky

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Fort Knox, Kentucky
June 4, 1942

Darling little Yve
I love you. [Y]ou asked me in the letter to-day [sic] if I wanted you to come down, well of course I do It [sic] is just that I found out to day [sic] that we have to have a dress parade in front of the all the big shots all day the fourth. So it would be of no use of you coming down here. They say that if our company win in the parade we might get passes but you can’t count on it and a 3 day pass would’nt [sic] do me much good any how[sic] because it will take me about 24 hr. to go home and 24hr to come back.

[Page 2]

Well darling how is my little wife this fine day you seem kind of down hearted. I wish I was there maybe I could chase some of the bleues blues away well I guess that will have To [sic] wait. Its [sic] so hot down here that we go out in the l morning with just a pair of shorts on of course we wear shoes and an other [sic] thing after noon isant is’nt [sic] calld [sic] afternoon it is called even evening. [W]ell I just got back from an eight mile hike before I started to write this letter. They don’t give you time for anything around here any more you get up in the morning and wash make your bed sweep the floor wash the floor line up the bunks and the foot locker all in from 5:45 to 6:00

[Page 3]

Then we fall out for an [sic] ½ hr. exercise till 6:30 then we eat till seven then we drill and other thing [sic] till 11:30 then we wash and get the mail when there is some then we eat at 12 to 12:30 then we go out and drill again or rifle practice or some thing [sic] till 4:30. then we change our clothes we wash first as you know then we eat again some time we get to extra duties after 5:30 if we do we get it till 8 or 9 oclock [sic] and you get that after. [S]o you see I havent [sic] much time to my-self [sic]. But darling I think of you all the time I even dream about you

[Page 4]

I dream’t last night that I was sleeping in the same bed with you and I had my arm around you and I was xx you (darn it) I was dissaponited [sic] when I woke up this morning and I found you gone. [D]on’t I use nice slang. Well darling I wish I could go home to you but I hope I could get station [sic] nearer. Well darling I guess I will close for tonight. So until tomorrow good night darling.Love


[The Following is written in postscript]

P.S. I get auful [sic] hungry down here. I love you Darling


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Sarty, Howard L., 1919-1977, “Letter to Yvette from Howard, June 4, 1942,” Concordia Memory Project, accessed May 3, 2024, https://concordiamemoryproject.concordiacollegearchives.org/items/show/899.