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  • Collection: Cobber History Harvest

Silver Concordia Ring
Small Silver Concordia Ring with the Concordia seal in the middle. The word "Sterling" is inscribed.

First Annual Fall Staff Golf Event
First Annual Fall Golf Event
In the Front from Left to Right:
Al Monson, Al Anderson, Jerry Bjelde
In the Rear from Left to Right:
Jim Berquist, Ron Moen, Cy Running, Al Bartz, Arnie Garness

Spencer McCombs and His Mother, Julie K. Anderson Nordeen '81, after Graduation 2013
Spencer McCombs (left) with his mother, Julie K. Anderson Nordeen (right) after Graduation in 2013. Her son, Spencer McCombs, also attended Concordia and graduated in 2013. This picture was taken after the graduation ceremony, outside by the bell…

East Coast Centennial Tour
This shows the etiquette, rehearsal times, clothes they needed to wear and other things the people of the Concordia Choir needed to know about this trip.

Concordia 1987 Yearbook
This is a photograph taken of the Concordia year book from 1987. They no longer make year books at Concordia College.

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College Finances. Cost Per Semester, 1960-61.
Concordia College Record Catalog Number, Volume 64, Number 7
These pages include a detailed list of typical college expenses from 1960-1961 and information about financial arrangements.

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President Dr. J.N. Brown, 1950
Picture of President Dr. J.N. Brown, who was an influential leader at Concordia College.

Three Gorges Plaque
This is a plaque from a China May Seminar in 2002. It was left in the 3-Gorges area of the Yagzhee river by Concordia students. The river has since flooded, and the plaque will be left as an artifact.

Concordia College Stuffed Animal
This item is a stuffed animal (a dog) that has a Concordia "C" embroidered on it. This stuffed animal has a white snout with a black nose, a white tail, a maroon body with the gold embroidered "C", and gold ears.This dog seems to be pretty well worn,…

Mother-Son Duo at Legacy Breakfast 2013
From left to right, Julie K. Anderson Nordeen '81, Spencer McCombs '13, Ben Jacobson '13, and Carrie Medhaug Jacobson '81 pose for a picture at the Legacy Breakfast in 2013 in the Centrum located in the Knutson Center on Concordia's campus. Mothers,…